
The Last Push Project: Feb Update

I am sad to say that I only finished off the little perfume sample, but I know that I will be finishing some of these items in the middle of March, so I will be adding to this project. I have one use left in the lotion, so I am adding two mini lotions. I am also adding my bust boosting lotion as the weather has gotten warmer here. I made significant progress on the scalp scrub and I cannot wait to use it up. I have to shampoo my hair 2-3 times to get all the scrub out, so I haven’t been enjoying it. I did make it by hand in a Herbology class and it did sit around for over a year sealed. I keep thinking I’ll be done with the eye tightening gel, but it just keeps going. I am almost done with the Clinique Moisturizer and it is one that I will cut open to use the rest of it up once it wont come out of the tub anymore.

Here are the items I am working on in March:

March Predictions: I will use up the perfume sample, Lush body Lotion, The Naked Bee Lotion, eye tightening cream, and Clinique face lotion. I may use up the scalp scrub. I will make progress on the Jergens and VS Bust Boost.

With Love,

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