Beauty, project pan

New Project Pan: 2019 Seasonal Focused

So, I am starting this late, but I am doing seasonal project pans this year! I still have until June 21st, which is the first day of summer. Since I am starting it late, I have chosen my items accordingly for my Spring Project Pan. I am starting out with 5 items that I want to use up/hit pan on. If I finish something up, I can rotate something else in to try to get to 5 by the first day of Summer. These will be more manageable for me than trying to do a year long project with 20 items at the moment, when I have a lot of other projects going on and not to mention work, Dean, college, and a new relationship to boot. I thought that I would update this at the end of every month. So, end of April, end of May, and the finale of the project in June.


I chose 5 items to use up by June 21 st. One or two items might be ambitious, but I think that I can do it. I want to use up my MAC Prep + Prime Fix + in Lavender, DKNY Be Delicious Fresh Blossom in the 0.5 oz container, PIXI Sheer Check Gel in No 2 Sun Kissed, Laura Mercier Caviar Stick Eye Colour in Au Naturel, and Marc Jacobs Enamored Hi-Shine Lipgloss in 312 Sugar Sugar.


I have about a 1/4 of this bottle left and I would like to move on to the coconut scented one for the summer. This is a primer spray, so I use it after I put on my face cream but before I start putting on any makeup. I usually will put a second primer on top of this one after it dries. I believe it seals in moisture as my other primers tend to be drying for my oily skin. I believe that as long as I use it, this one might be finished by the second update that will be at the end of May.


A perfume is always ambitious, but considering there is only a little bit left, I think I can manage to use it up as long as I remember to apply it everyday. It is a long lasting perfume, but gone by bedtime. I could apply first thing in the morning and before bed to get the most use out of it. I love the way this smells, but I am tired of this floral. I want the green apple version of this so bad. I for sure will buy more DKNY perfumes and the apple scents tend to learn more summery/spring for me rather than fall. This perfume is for sure a Spring perfume, hence why it’s in this project.


Another ambitious one. I have 1/3 of this tube left and again, this is pretty old in my collection. I think I can finish it off, if I use it without fail every day. This may be one that I end up not finishing, but I bet that I can make a ton of progress on it. The thing is you don’t need very much to get a lovely bitten look to the cheeks. I apply with my fingers and then buff out with a kabuki blush to get rid of any harsh lines. I would love to use this up before it goes bad. I have another potted cream blush to use up after this one and that one is better suited for summer with its Popsicle red shade.


Not much left to this nude cream eye shadow stick. It is quick and easy for a very neutral look. This makes it really easy for me to wear eye shadow. I just apply to my finger and then to my eye lid. I have hooded eyes, so I tend to do a one to two eye shadow look. I know that in the future I want to buy more cream eye shadow sticks and small/mini powder eye shadow palettes. I don’t want big bulky eye shadow palettes anymore. They aren’t for me. Thank god, I only have 1 to work through. I like the credit card sized palettes or the little Too Faced ones. Perfect size for me, when I’m not really into eye shadow. Cream eye shadow though has me second guessing not being into eye shadow.


I threw in a lip gloss, because I can plow through a lip product easy. This one even has windows, so I know there is already good progress done to it. This shade is way too sickly nude on my lips, so I wear it around the house. I love the formula and the minty tingle. It is a very good lip gloss that I would want in more shades when I can justify buying more lip products. If I move more out, I’m closer to buying more. This is how I am choosing to look at it. I have no doubts of using this one up.

There you have it! The five makeup items that I want to move out of my collection by the first day of Summer. I am eyeing a few other bits for what I want to use up in the Summer. One of them, I know will be a hair care item that has stuck around for way too long. I will for sure be going for a Summer seasonal vibe like I did for Spring. I picked out neutrals with flush cheeks and Spring scents.

Anyone else doing a Seasonal project pan?

With Love,


2 thoughts on “New Project Pan: 2019 Seasonal Focused”

  1. Do you like the scent of the MAC Prep + Prime Fix + in Lavender? I keep going back and forth on buying this, since it seems a bit expensive for what it is. If only I could buy a mini like yours :(. Love this project, I am very excited to see the progress you’ll be making on these products. ❤

    1. I HATE lavender, but it smells like a sweet lavender sugar cookie. Very pleasant. I bought the mini set at Christmas time. I’m hoping to meet all my goals. We shall see!

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